What is the difference between "AI" and non-AI strategy bots?

  1. The words "AI" in the bot type indicate that the strategy parameters in the bot are entrusted to the artificial intelligence system. The artificial intelligence system will automatically modify the strategy parameters of the bot that is already in operation according to factors such as currency characteristics and market conditions.

  2. If there is no "AI" in the bot type, it means that the strategy parameters will not be automatically modified during the operation of the bot. Users can judge whether they need to be manually modified based on their own proficiency in quantitative trading operations and current market conditions, or they can switch the risk preference mode (conservative, robust, and aggressive) to obtain the latest parameters recommended by the artificial intelligence system.

Novices recommend starting the bot type with the words "AI".

Note: Before the bot is started, it will automatically update the parameters from time to time; the only difference between the two is whether the parameters will be automatically updated after the bot is started.

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