How to do capital planning and position management?

About funding planning

  1. It is recommended that 70% to 80% of the funds be used to run the spot market, and 30% to 20% of the funds be used to run the futures. This can better balance the benefits and risks.

  2. It is recommended that no less than 10,000 USDT available funds for spot accounts and no less than 5,000 USDT available funds for futures accounts. Funds are mainly used to resist risks and can actually maintain a low position (adjusted by "Max pos of Spot/Futures").

  3. Quantification emphasizes sufficient available funds, keep low positions, and distribute funds to as many robots as possible, so that the return is relatively high and the risk is small.

About position management

  1. "Max pos of Futures" configuration: For robots with a leverage ratio of 50X and above, it is recommended to set 15% or 20%, and for robots with a leverage ratio of 20X and below, it is recommended to keep the default 25%.

  2. "Max pos of Spot" configuration: It is recommended to keep the default 25%.

Last updated